You are someone special. That’s why I invited you to be here. You might ask yourself what this is all about.
In short, this is about your success as an entrepreneur and your love for high-end fashion. Below is everything you need to know.
We provide you with all the scientific knowledge that you need to be one step ahead of your competition. Find out more here.
You might think now:
I don’t think your knowledge has that much value.
Our Answer:
You can try it out first and see for yourself. here
You might think now:
I don’t think the knowledge is recent.
Our Answer:
Yes, it is always the latest of what is available based on what books, videos, and papers are published right at the moment worldwide. In combination with older knowledge that is still valid.
Your questions can be answered in 3 ways.
1 We discuss them in our community
2 I gave you a voice message on everything I know about the topic.
3 We discuss it in private (me and you) with a nice video talk.
If you still have unsolved questions you just re-enter with your follow-up questions :
1 Community discussion here
2 voice message here
3 private video chat here
You need the truth of how things work and why they work. For a problem to be solved, you need the knowledge and you need to execute on that knowledge.
The latest knowledge available gives you a decisive advantage over everyone else. This is a fact.
Business Is a game that contains the following variables that influence its outcome
Bad Luck
Human psychology
Specific domain knowledge
For someone to win market shares over your competitor you must at least be better in 1 category, however for having lasting success it is highly recommended that you are better in all of those categories. Over time in markets the importance of those categories changes. In order to better understand the categories I provide you constantly with the latest research that has been done in these categories. Also, our community of entrepreneurs offers a great variety of perspectives on your current issue. So that you can win the game more often than your competition.
The conclusions that you gain here should logically drive you to the conclusion that what you learned here is a way of how it can work out. If you don’t have that impression we should rather have a chat here before you make a decision to see what causes the trouble.
In general, we give you the knowledge you don’t know about yet and that gives you more data to base your judgments on. And we also like to talk with you about what the best decision in a certain situation is.
And how do I know that you will not tell my business secrets to other people?
Everything you ever tell us here is totally confidential. There is nobody who will ever tell anybody anything about your business.
However if for some reason you don’t want to talk about your business details in our community you can also talk about your issues just with me in private.
We have a huge private database of the latest knowledge that is needed to solve business-related problems.
Where is this knowledge coming from?
It comes from books, articles, papers, and videos. And let’s not forget about our community of entrepreneurs who bring their vast experience to the discussions if you wish to participate.
The point is that we only use the knowledge that successfully drove business results. Otherwise, the knowledge doesn’t enter our database.
You might have a long-lasting love for high-end fashion, but
you are a fresh entrepreneur. Then we would like to welcome you to our junior community. But before that, you should take a closer look into this section.
Check here if you are ready to become an entrepreneur:
Do you have one of the problems listed below:
It takes way too long until something starts working out.
When to stop working on something
I will not succeed even if I work 10-15 hours.
Superior success setup
How to differ failing and believing to fail
I have to put too much effort into the house of Flemming.
What is the minimum effort for success
It is way too much sacrifice to work so much.
Entrepreneurs character check (how to know if you can be an entrepreneur)
It takes too long until it will start working.
Why immediate success doesn’t matter but being antifragile does
If the articles don’t solve your problems:
let’s have a chat here together.
How to know what kind of knowledge you need to become a better entrepreneur?
In your current business, you face limitations of growth. if it is not for an outside limitation it is usually because you lack knowledge.
Ask yourself specifically: What questions do I need to be answered to solve my business limitations?
Then your questions can be answered in 3 ways:
1 We discuss them in our community
2 I gave you a voice message on everything I know about the topic
3 We discuss it in private (me and you) with a nice video talk.
If you still have unsolved questions you just re-enter with your follow-up questions :
1 Community discussion here
2 voice message here
3 private video chat here (enter first the appropriate community then head to the private video chat section)
For case 1: your limitation will be discussed there so that other members can contribute their professional input. So that you get the maximum number of viewpoints on the matter.
When the discussion is finished I am also available to you for some final conclusions.
What is objective truth and why it is crucial for your success
I don’t think it will make my goal come true
I would like to know your point of view. Let’s have a chat
Let’s also have a chat if you have any more doubts
Where my knowledge comes from and why it is so valuable to you
Success comes from 2 things. Knowing the right knowledge and being able to execute on it.
To win you need to know all the rules of the game. I will not only give you these rules, but I will also advise you. And later in the community, everyone will advise each other based on the knowledge they have gathered. (If you want to)
But where does my knowledge comes from? Reading and listening to books and papers. Every day for many hours. Piece by piece I uncovered and still uncover how the world works.
If you want lasting success you need knowledge and not luck. Because luck will one day leave you. A good sign of having acquired the right knowledge is a long-lasting success with not too many missteps on things that you should have seen. Gathering all the knowledge that you need is a constant process. Because the world also constantly changes.
With the knowledge, I provide and with the community full of entrepreneurs we will continue to know more than the competition.
Since there are many reasons why you might think so we should have a chat.
Since I know and understand all my knowledge if there should be anything you don’t understand, I am here to solve your problems.
You have a passion for it. Me too. In fact, that’s why I decided to produce the best handbags the world has ever seen. And they are not only the best they are only available to people like you, who got an invitation from me.
Our community awaits you to create your handbag dreams.
The best purses in the world either as a completely green version or a supreme edition.
What do you mean by completely green?
I mean by that that only 100% harmless natural materials are used for the purse. It is the first of its kind.
And what do you mean by supreme edition?
This edition is in some parts not 100% natural but offers colors that currently have no natural alternative.
If you are not using your purse keep it in the protective box to avoid accidental damage. It also keeps dust away which often contains stone and metal particles that can affect the surface of the purse.
If you go out with your purse check if your outfit has any metal or plastic parts that could scratch the purse while you are walking with the purse. If you want to put the purse down put it on the protective sheet that comes with every purse. The sheet always fits inside our purses.
If nevertheless, something happens:
No worries, we offer you a repair service that even becomes free of charge once you got an invitation to THE GAME. Otherwise, you can just send us a photo of the damage, and we give you a quote and timeline here.
What is carefree purse maintenance?
If your purse shows signs of wear or is damaged you just send it in and we fully recover it. Before you send it you can make pictures of it so we can give you a cost estimation if you wish.
Carefree purse maintenance
It will take too much effort.
We offer you a recurring auto pickup. For a fee but for The Game participants for free. If you are a participant of the game our purse maintenance is completely free of charge.
For more on the game visit this site.
Maintenance itself will take too much time
Ask us if more than 3 of your purse type were produced.
If yes we have 1 for you coming with express delivery while yours is in maintenance.
It will not return in a good condition
There is a guarantee that we will replace it for free if anything should ever happen.
We offer an original condition promise that guarantees you the original condition. Never for more than what we originally charged you for the maintenance.
Get your initial charge by starting here
For THE GAME participants, everything is free of charge.
I give too much up not paying the way I want
Why PayPal is the best payment method
My payment is not secure at PayPal
If anything should ever happen we fully compensate you.
How safe is PayPal
Paying with PayPal will cause trouble so I will not get my purse.
We guarantee compensation for all losses.
Paying with PayPal takes too long
What we can offer you, in this case, is a bank transfer, Contact us at headquarters.flemming@gmx.de for this.
What do you mean by version?
You can choose between a 100% sustainable and natural version of your purse and a version that uses modern colorizing that is not sustainable or natural. These non-sustainable colors are currently used by all the top luxury houses in the world. They still use it because the industry failed to develop natural alternatives. 100% natural and at the same time brilliant colors have not been invented yet. We want to change this. By choosing a Flemming bag we will change this long-term.
Our Versions
1-The 100% natural version is called the green version.
2-The version with brilliant colors is called the supreme version. It uses the same sustainable materials as the green version but the colorization is made with the most brilliant colors that are available. But the colors as mentioned are not sustainable.
Anyways by buying both versions you invest in a green future because you give us the resources to change the industry.
I think I will pick the wrong version.
QUIZ & GUIDE on how to choose the right version.
It will take too long to figure out which version is best for me.
See our guide on how to choose the right version.
The green version will not look good enough among other purses I already own
It will definitely as we use only designs for the green versions that don’t require unsustainable colors.
An example:
Not all designs require brilliant green or purple colors simply because the design is in black and white only.
So the decision is more about whether you personally prefer a design with bright colors or not.
I think I sacrifice too much because colors are less brilliant
If you choose a design that contains brilliant colors:
You should go for the supreme version.
Here is an article about the supreme edition.
The supreme version will not look good enough
Why our purses look stunning
Why your purses look like the best
Just in case we offer you a money-back guarantee
I would love to see your points. Let’s have a chat here.
If for whatever reason you should not enjoy your purse you can ship it back to us without charge. And while you waited for your purse you still enjoyed the community, our knowledge, and the surprises you got. It will be still all yours and you can keep it.
Why you will enjoy the 2 months:
During these 2 months, you can ask me non-stop about any of your plans or business issues. Help is always sure.
You can also discuss anything regarding your business in the community. Finding potential investors and human resources, or solving business issues together.
During this time you also get 3 surprises from our treasures shipped to you before your purse arrives. You can keep the surprises even if you ship the purse back.
I am afraid that after 2 months I will be disappointed
If you should be you get a full and immediate refund
After 2 months I will not get something that satisfies my need to be on top
Why our purses are paramount
We offer you an express delivery with a fixed delivery date here.
Let’s talk about the doubts that you have here
All purses come:
With a maintenance service.
With a protective sheet to safely place it on surfaces.
A travel case that will ensure that the purse doesn’t get damaged during flights, vacations, etc.
Handling an expensive purse made simple
Our purses are constructed in a way so that handling is easy. If you need to travel you can be free of worries because every purse comes with a solid travel case. If you are not carrying the box with you for instance when you are going out you will have a cloth with you that fits perfectly inside the purse and it is only occupying very little space. The cloth can be put underneath the purse or on top of it to protect it. Cloths and travel cases can always be reordered.
Have a private chat with me so I can understand you better and solve your problems here.
I would like to know on what points I am wrong. Let’s have a chat
Our community is a platform to grow together. We can help each other with our vast expertise in solving business limitations, finding investors through our contacts, or helping with human resources. The possibilities are endless.
But why is it a private platform?
In order to maintain the quality of the members and the unification under all of our dreams and visions I decided to make the platform private. I need to ensure that only qualified people can add their input and advice to our group.
In total the community is a place where you find:
A family of entrepreneurs like you
Fact-based encouragement for your endeavors
Analyzing your and other members’ business limitations
Psychological support
High-end fashion creation based on your desires in a sub-part of the community
Supporters of a 100% green and nontoxic future
Also, we want to become better humans who support each of our members in their dreams so they come true.
Together we strive to make your business better by discussing the latest knowledge on how to grow companies. I provide everyone with the latest scientific knowledge, we grow together, and our movement becomes visible to everyone on earth. We are the people of change and we do so by choosing nothing but the best.
Do I have to be in the community?
No, you can ask and discuss also everything in private just with me here.
Why should I discuss my business matters with other entrepreneurs?
To make the best decision about problems and matters of business you need to see the matter from as many valuable angles as possible.
Our knowledge provides you with angles but discussions with professionals provide you with even more angles
Our community of entrepreneurs provides these valuable angles.
We give you mental anchors you can rely on in tough times
You might think now: How does this work?
We help you by offering solutions to your problems. We also give you supporting thoughts you can use as anchors when the ocean gets stormy.
Why discord is necessary
We need discord as a private platform. It has many functions like conferences, channels for certain purposes, and posting functions that no other application has. In short, we need it for your and our success.
What Is objective truth and why it is crucial for your success
How the community will make your dreams come true
On discord you can privately and easily ask about all of your problems.
You can learn and ask questions 24/7.
The community will help you there with all your issues
How we will help you on the platform:
-Discussion of your issues in a team
-Mental support if times are tough
-Discussions on the latest knowledge
-Your wishes for new high-end purses
-Your wishes for new knowledge on topics of your personal choice
-A family of people like you
-Fact-based encouragement for your dreams and endeavors
-Vision of a bright future that we will make a reality
-Protection from negative influence
-Life wisdom through discussions and knowledge
-A place that accepts who you really are as a person
-24/7 support for your business problems.
-A community where you can learn and strive from each other.
-Constant knowledge is updated for you from countless business and human psychology papers and books that would otherwise take you months to read+ the correct interpretation of this knowledge
-Own and influence the creation of the best Handbags in the world. Have what only you are allowed to have.
-Show support for a 100% green future while everyone else is still way behind.
How the entrepreneurs club will solve your problems
It is very easy:
Your questions can be answered in 3 ways.
1 We discuss them in our community
2 I give you a voice message on everything I know about the topic.
3 We discuss it in private (me and you) with a nice video talk.
If you still have unsolved questions you just re-enter with your follow-up questions :
1 Community discussion here
2 voice message here
3 private video chat here
Then you just send me a voice message about your problems here
Give me the questions you have here. I will give you a timeline on how long it will take to answer all of them.
We are also a community of entrepreneurs and business people who believe in a green future. Only people who take the decision to buy the best can make this happen. Most people need to see the future before it arrives. And they will take you as a ruling example of what the best looks like.
No company on earth is polluting and no animal or human being suffers from pollution.
You not only have handbags that are green but are the best quality that anyone can get. A symbol of a new future and only to have as a member of our tribe. You live in a community of professionals who help each other with their knowledge and support. That’s where we want to go with you. We will become a leading example for everyone.
One day we want to say: We finally made the leap of becoming peaceful just beings.
We became the truth.
Together we are Flemming.
A warm welcome from me.
In order for everything to work out and for our community to flourish I came up with a fair offer. Everyone who wants to stay part of our endeavor just needs to get 1 handbag per year from our store. If it is your first handbag you have 3 months to decide upon one. And while you decide you have full access to everything. You don’t need to do anything for this. If the 3 months have passed you will just not get the new password you need for accessing our page.
To always get the latest password you can simply add me on WhatsApp here. I will only send you the password.
That’s all. I hope you will find a place here. The world needs you. Dream big and change the world.